Wearing: MOOD by me shirt, Bond Hardware necklace (currently on sale HERE), Acne trousers and boots.

Sometimes a series of detail shots is just better than one full outfit. Especially when in this instance I seemed to be pulling a funny face in every picture! I guess I was just giddy after the Sanderson spa experience – which is where I’m stood outside of. Hello fresh skin! Wearing a shirt that I customised myself online via MOOD by me – you choose a garment and then can customise colour, fit, length, everything! I always wanted a navy shirt with black detailing, worn here with a more S&M vibe necklace from BOND hardware.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my blog yesterday – 4 years old! Thank you to all my wonderful readers, I never imagined I could have achieved so much in this last 4 years and I’m so happy that I have you all to share it with. Here’s to 4 more!

Pictures by Lexxi 


Wearing: Ann Sofie Back coat layered over Limi Feu jacket, Edun shirt, Moxham Eygypt necklace, Acne trousers, Jack Purcell Converse, Dagmar and Helmut Lang bracelets

Whilst this outfit may seem a little extreme for the nice weather we’re sort of having at the moment, this is the kind of look you get used to in London; warm if the weather turns mean and easily shed when the sun turns a smile.

I love this new shirt by Edun, which is pretty much just a square with a collar attached, also the whole ‘cocoon with some legs sticking out and walking around’ look. Super comfortable and super layered. 


Wearing: Ann Demeulemeester blazer, Charlie May tie side top, Acne shorts, Miu Miu sunglasses

Enjoying the views on my last day in Zurich! Doesn’t the view of the city look so beautiful? Planning a photo diary for my next post so I can share with you all my favourite hang outs. Unfortunately, I got totally sunburnt whilst swimming in the lake, (still suffering now) so the last day was spent covered up and hiding in shady areas. That will teach me to only bring factor 15! Back at home now and working on a special project in London, I can’t wait to show you all when it’s finished! 

Photos by Jen 


Wearing: Ann Demeulemeester tops, Acne trousers, Alexander Wang brogues

Hiding inside from the storm whilst it rains cats and dogs in Zurich, quite a contrast from the heat of yesterday, but hopefully clearing the skies for more sun tomorrow! Took these shots this morning whilst exploring the city, around Geroldstrasse; we went up the Freitag tower, explored the markets and lay in the park. The mood is so chilled here, nobody seems to have a job, as they just snooze in the sun all day! Pretty easy living. Follow me on Instagram/Twitter for more regular exploratory updates!


Wearing: Ann-Sofie Back coat, COS knit, Acne shorts, Nelly shoes

How kick ass are my new Nelly shoes? Nobody wants to get on the wrong side of me! Taken in Devon on one of my last days there, it was super windy and drizzly, a total opposite to when I arrived, but that’s what it’s like living on the coast! After getting these shoes I’ve definitely decided I need more sleek stilettos, I love the steel toes, somebody on facebook thought it was a DIY, which would be pretty awesome. There’s no real need for a DIY though when the shoes are such an amazing price anyway! You can find them here in all different colours.

Thanks for my bro for helping me out with the outfit shots! 


Wearing: Ann Demeulemeester jacket and top, Acne shorts, Alexander Wang shoes, Rayban sunglasses, Backstage cuffs and Dominic Jones rings

The thing I love most about dressing for the summer is wearing all pastels and nudes. I bought these Alexander Wang shoes back in winter when they were in the sale, knowing that when summer came around they would be living on me. I’ve been shopping around for some great pastel shorts but haven’t found any yet, for now I quite like the pop of colour underneath all my layers. These photos were taken whilst Jen was in London a couple of weeks back, now I’m super excited as I’ve just booked to visit her in Zurich in ten days! There’s nothing I love more than exploring a new city.

Photos by Jen 


Wearing: Acne shirt and shorts, Ann Demeulemeester shoes, Backstage cuff and Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses

Enjoying taking a few days off with my brother visiting in London last week; dressing a little bit better in the heavy heat. I’m looking forward to picking up some more platform sandals in the sales (saying my Céline prayers as we speak!). Spent all day at the beach yesterday in North Devon, it was surprisingly hot and sunny; I had the most amazing swim with the surf blasting away the London cobwebs, that is until we had to run and rescue the bags from the incoming tide! 


Photos by me and Quentin Saunier/Farfetch

Last week I headed off to Paris, with the Farfetch team and fellow bloggers Alex and Karen for the launch of The Playlist; a project that partners Farfetch with six of the worlds best independent music stores and two up and coming bands; Singtank and S.C.U.M, to fuse music and fashion together.

The event was held at RA where we saw Singtank perform a live set as well as see the premier of the short fashion film with Farfetch and Singtank. As Alex said on her blog, that photo of all of us looks like we’ve been hitting that Absinthe hard! The bartenders did get a little happy on the punch towards the end but we weren’t that drunk, I swear!
Before the show we got to sit down with Joséphine and Alexandre who hadn’t yet seen the final cut of the film. I’d never interviewed anyone before and so my first enthusiastic question – ‘Where did you guys meet?’ was followed with a they’re brother and sister Doh! That’s what happens when you don’t do your research!

I’ve attached the short fashion film below for you guys to check out, I feel like it has a serious 70’s vibe! All the clothes are available to buy on Farfetch, I’m really craving that brown Acne jacket Joséphine’s wearing. I think Singtank are even better live and you should definitely check them out if you haven’t already!

A huge thanks to Farfetch and the RA for such an entertaining evening!


Wearing: Ann Demeulemeester blazer, top and boots, Acne trousers, Mimco bag, Dominic Jones rings, Helmut Lang cuff bracelet, Nails by Nail Pop

Last week I was lucky enough to accompany Farfetch to Paris, despite the crappy weather we had so much fun and managed to fit a lot into the one day we were there. This outfit was taken outside the Ritz where we had afternoon tea; apparently they are closing over the next few weeks for renovation and won’t be open for another 3 years, glad we managed to go in time! I’ll be sharing the rest of my trip over the next few posts. Hope you’re all having a good week!

Photos by Alex



Wearing: Yohji Yamamoto jacket, 2nd Day tank, Nicolas Andreas Taralis skirt, Acne trousers, Converse trainers, Mimco bag, Dominic Jones and Backstage rings

Last week I had the chance to meet the founder of Swedish Hasbeens at Selfridges for the launch of their pop up store. It was so much fun, with a whole choreographed dance of girls bending into insane positions and flying through the air with ribbon sticks! It was the perfect way to show off the new SH collection, still with a hint of clog but mostly inspired by the classic bowling shoe. Emy, the founder of the iconic shoes and I could not have been more oppositely dressed she was telling the story of the beginnings of the brand; when they started in 2006 it was hard because everybody was having a black moment, now the world is more accepting of colour and their business is thriving, I suppose I’m still stuck in 2006 then! 

This is one of my more casual looks that I’ve been living in recently, loving my new shoes from Mr Porter! Michael actually pulled Alexxsia aside at the launch to double check if I knew I was wearing trainers, I love them ok? Now to get my hands on some of these bowling babies!