Wearing: MOOD by me shirt, Bond Hardware necklace (currently on sale HERE), Acne trousers and boots.

Sometimes a series of detail shots is just better than one full outfit. Especially when in this instance I seemed to be pulling a funny face in every picture! I guess I was just giddy after the Sanderson spa experience – which is where I’m stood outside of. Hello fresh skin! Wearing a shirt that I customised myself online via MOOD by me – you choose a garment and then can customise colour, fit, length, everything! I always wanted a navy shirt with black detailing, worn here with a more S&M vibe necklace from BOND hardware.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my blog yesterday – 4 years old! Thank you to all my wonderful readers, I never imagined I could have achieved so much in this last 4 years and I’m so happy that I have you all to share it with. Here’s to 4 more!

Pictures by Lexxi