Wearing: Ann-Sofie Back coat, COS knit, Acne shorts, Nelly shoes

How kick ass are my new Nelly shoes? Nobody wants to get on the wrong side of me! Taken in Devon on one of my last days there, it was super windy and drizzly, a total opposite to when I arrived, but that’s what it’s like living on the coast! After getting these shoes I’ve definitely decided I need more sleek stilettos, I love the steel toes, somebody on facebook thought it was a DIY, which would be pretty awesome. There’s no real need for a DIY though when the shoes are such an amazing price anyway! You can find them here in all different colours.

Thanks for my bro for helping me out with the outfit shots! 


What started out a photo diary ended as an encyclopaedia, so now you know Devon just as well as I do. After the chaos of fashion week I retreated back to Devon to catch up with family and friends, hit the beach, walk the dogs across the farm and relax in the calm. One of my friends just got a house right off the beach so he can dedicate more time to surfing, he doesn’t even lock his front door; totally peaceful life. I’m super lucky to be able to retreat to these places whenever I need a recharge, but London is where it’s happening. Thanks to my brother for driving me around like a crazy tourist whilst I was down!


Introduced to the Tumblr MINIMALISTE, by Ivania, it’s been a great source of inspiration for my AW12. Looking at vast landscapes of sea and ice, with clear open skies and oceans has given me a great deal to think about. Going down to Devon for the holidays I felt like I had to visit this place, one of my favourites, with vast cliffs that you can climb and explore all day, with waves crashing all around you. So far removed from life, it makes me feel alive.


Quite the contrast between the warm indoor settings and the cold stark landscapes, but that’s what I love about Devon. Exploring outside all day, and back indoors for tea and cake in the afternoon, warming our toes by the fire. It’s pretty idilic, and I feel lucky to be able to have the best of both worlds. Everyone needs a break from London sometimes.


Wearing: Limi Feu jacket, Haider Ackerman draped waistcoat, Jaeger polo neck, Complex Geometries skirt, petrol Dr Martens, D&G gloves

One of my favourite places in Devon, especially when it’s at it’s most moodiest. We were walking along the rocks beside the sea, with nobody around us except the odd fisherman and surfers running past to catch a wave. Insanity!

I took about 300 photos so I’ll be doing another post soon with more landscape. I’m also trying out a new look on the blog for the new year. Nothing too dramatic, just bigger pictures. I hope you like it and I hope you all had an amazing New Years! 


Wearing: Persol opticals, Limi Feu coat, Jaeger trousers, Dr Marten shoes

After fashion week I went down to Devon for some much needed recuperation time. The week was mostly filled with lounging, eating, exploring and lots of walking. Perfect! It felt great to jump back in a car again and go wherever I liked. I stumbled upon this shipwreck in the middle of the sand off Crow Point, so in awe of its history. What incredible textures too!

I’m off to Antwerp tomorrow for the stock sales, so excited! I’ll see you all on Thursday with lots of goodies to share I’m sure.