Wearing: Aquascutum shirt, Acne shorts, Miu Miu sunglasses, MFP bracelet and Dominic Jones rings

I’ve been experimenting with more and more manicure variations of the DIY I posted last week. Absolutely in love with this one! Nude undercoat with black spiked tips. Almost gives the illusion of claws!

I painted the nails nude first, then cut triangles out of masking tape, this time putting them further down the nail, towards the end, then painted over with black. Remove when dry and add top coat. 

In the mean time I’ve been working on my SS13 collection, so excited for fashion week in less than a month now! I also got myself a bicycle to zip around the city in. Took it out for it’s first ride to the flower market yesterday! 
Thanks to Nathan and Kit for the photos! 


Wearing: Mood by Me shirt, complex geometries skirt, Nail varnish by Barry M and Chanel

The manicure I’m addicted to at the moment is this super easy DIY; you just cut triangle shapes out of masking tape and stick them over your cuticles, all you need to do then is paint over the top and peel off! I’m loving having the underneath triangle natural, but it would work so well with other colours too. So far this week I’ve had grey and then last night switched to navy satin, but what I’m really craving is a matt/shiny combo. I need to get myself some matt top coat ASAP!


As I’m sat inside trying to get over my morning of sunbathing in 30 degrees Zurich, I thought I could show you guys my final Bengt X So hot right nail post, before Jen comes back and we head off to see the city! Definitely the craziest of all three styles, I’d always wanted to try 3D nails, although I have to say I don’t think I could handle them in every day life as they catch on everything! At least now I can tick the crazy Japanese inspired nails off my bucket list! Worn with Moxham, E.A Burns and Louise Amstrup all from BENGT!