Sitting here editing these photos has made me so hungry! Last week Lexxi introduced me to Ukai Sushi; just down the road from her work, she goes regularly for a bite and was the perfect partner to order all the best dishes on the menu.

It all looked so good and we sat there hungrily eyeing up everyone else’s dishes, until we decided to go for a mix of sushi and hot plates, washed down with some miso soup and a bottle of their sweet homemade Sake! The sushi was out of this world and I’m pretty sure I’m hooked, next time I’m in central I’ll be heading back here to catch Lex on one of her impromptu lunches! 

6 thoughts on “SUSHI DATES IN SOHO

    • The Sake was really delicious, I think sweeter is definitely more my thing – mind you, the only sake I’ve ever tried was at a Uniqlo launch, so not much experience! Can we power lunch/dinner when we see you on Saturday? I miss our extravagant outings in London!

    • Generally I prefer hot saké to cold although I once had a bottle of ice-chilled saké with gold leaf floating inside in Zuma. Clearly the gold made it taste 10 times better. I thought you couldn’t do lunch, it was early evening? I should be able to do anything up to 7.45pm, having dinner with Anna at night!

  1. I am a diehard Japanese cuisine fan! so anything Japanese food wise I’d support it and be up for it! Have you tried Ten Ten before? It’s not too pricy but very authentic. All the food looks soooo good! Have you ever tried warm sake? It’s great and goes well with grilled salmon head, sounds weird but that’s how they do it apparently. I’m normally not much of an alcohol fan but for sake I’d make an exception, mmmm!

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