Wearing: Dress by Topshop, shoes by Nicholas Kirkwood, Sunglasses by Versace
This dress is without a doubt my perfect summer dress! A beautiful contrast between some hard ass leather and some light summery pleats. Ever since I saw it at the Arcadia press day I knew it was meant for me. Worn to this afternoons spectacular Dr Martens event that I’m still feeling a little tipsy from. It’s all in the name of work right?
Photos by Alexxsia

19 thoughts on “PERFECT SUMMER DRESS

  1. i very much like the leather top half, i envy people who can get away with these types of clothes. If i fit my boobs into something like that it would be obscene!

  2. Seriously. How do you make that look like a perfectly legitimate summer dress while I would look like the hooker to end all hookers in it?? Life is so unfair. Beautiful shoes. x

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