Wearing: Zana Bayne harness, T by Alexander Wang top, Acne skirt and shoes
This is the final set I will posting for the MyDaily ‘How to Wear it’ this month as i’m starting on another one next week! If you still haven’t seen it, check it out.
This was my favourite outfit of all I think; simple and clean. I’m looking forward to starting on another shoot, I’ve already been wearing white tshirts more than ever since doing this – I am my own customer! 
All photos by Alexxsia


Studio Intern

Charlie May
A modern high end creative womenswear label that is in it’s first season. 

Length of Placement: 4 weeks

Location: Shoreditch, London

Experience gained: 
Looking for an intern available for an immediate start, preferably that lives close to East London. Needs to have a hands on attitude, confident, organised and a basic knowledge of garment construction and pattern cutting.
This is a great opportunity to learn what it’s like setting up your own label.
You will be working one on one with the designer.

You will be helping with:

Pattern Cutting
Sewing (mainly toiles)
Sourcing fabrics and trimmings 
Hand sewing final garments
Prepping for lookbook and video shoots

Expenses: Travel Expenses Only

To Apply: Send your CV, covering letter and examples of your work to

Closing Date: Ongoing

Here is a very formal ad promoting my internship opportunities. I can’t wait to hear from you all!


 Anneliese Hatt – Nottingham Trent University
Such incredible detail in Anneliese’s collection, it was dark, haunting, romantic; I am mesmerised. 
Ash Kabir – Liverpool University
A collection that put a smile on my face; Ash opened Liverpool’s show and immediately had my attention. It feels so unique and unlike any other collection, which almost hard to do at graduate fashion week.
 Hayley Walker – Liverpool University
Such beautiful tailoring, I want to wear every single piece! I’m such a sucker for straps and ties. The pinstripe drape dress with the open back is my favourite, on such a beautiful model too.
Wonjee Chung – Nottingham Trent
The photos from the rest of this collection didn’t turn out well on my camera which is a shame, but it didn’t fail me when it came to the amazing shoe detail.
From the few shows I got to see at Graduate Fashion Week, these were my favourite. It’s always inspiring to see young graduates coming out into the world, being born.


Jaeger is always my favourite press day, so classic and British, I’m happy just walking around oohing and ahhing at the plush fabrics and intricate designs. This season must have been my favourite yet, with so many incredible coats in heavy wool of khaki and mustard. Jaeger is seriously well designed and always has a twist; whether its a stitched lapel or a strange eye print, there’s always something that intrigues you. 


So last week I had a Style Crusader in my studio, I stole her round to use her as my temporary mannequin as my tailors dummy is still being made, and might not even be here until the collection is finished – oh dear.
Here’s just a little sneak peak of whats going on, this first few images being from my graduate portfolio, not current inspiration but this collection is a continuation; more of a rebellion against having to have so much paperwork to accompany my inspiration. It’s more free this time around. I wish I could show you guys everything every step of the way but I’m playing my cards close to my chest with this one.
I’m planning on doing a presentation in London a couple of days before fashion week starts. SO much to do before then but I am quietly confident that it will all turn out good. I will be looking for interns too so drop me an email, although i’ll put out a more formal post soon about that.
All photos by Jen, see her amazing post here.


Last month I was invited to have breakfast with Thomas Lyte, in their new flagship store in Burlington Arcade, Mayfair. The place was alive by the time we got there, breakfast canapes were served as we peeped around the store. All the leather accessories are so beautiful, my favourites being the little leather envelope purses in various colours. The philosophy behind the brand is about keeping the art of craftsmanship alive; each piece is made in London and as Mark Henderson said “Our aim is to make heirlooms not landfill”. The most impressive pieces I saw there had to be the candle holders, jugs and thermoses made out of folded sterling silver. NOT bonded together but one sheet of silver folded precisely together, amazing. After Mark Henderson’s very funny talk on What makes England Great, we headed down to hang out on the large leather sofas, you instantly feel at ease at Thomas Lyte and we must have sat there talking until they got the hoovers out. 
How amazing is the shine ya shoes gov’na chair outside too?