I am so excited to reveal that my work has been chosen to show at Graduate Fashion Week this year!
16 students were selected out of a total of 63 to showcase their catwalk creations at GFW. I sincerely think that this year UWE will be up to the standards of rivals Ravensbourne, Northumbria and Manchester. (Not really our rivals but I think they are good!)
UWE will be showing at 7pm, Sunday 6th June at Earls Court.
I have received my Girlalamode press pass and will be attending as many shows as I can fit in. That’s right, I will be on both sides of the fence. It’s going to be a crazy few days, I’m not even sure what Sunday has in store and how busy I will be. All I know is I am sat listening to the show mix for Sunday and it is SO GOOD! I am mega excited.
Email me if you are not sure how to get hold of tickets, press etc, or if you want to meet up at the event!

Carly Ellis, University of Westminster; Rebecca Thomson, Manchester Metropolitan University; Kitty Keay, Colchester School of Art; Phoebe Thirlwall, Nottingham Trent University; Garry Butterfield, University of Northampton

Sera Ulger, Ravensbourne College; Gina Webster, Birmingham City University; Anna Lee, De Montfort University; Beth Spurr & Lucy Hammond, Kingston University; Lisa Marie Jones, University of Wales

These Graduate Fashion Week campaign images were shot by Rankin using looks chosen by Dazed and Confused fashion editor Katie Shillingford.
Rankin said about the shoot: ‘I really enjoyed this shoot. There was a stunning array of truly innovative and often outrageous design, and stylist Katie Shillingford did a great job of choosing the top 10 looks. It was incredibly easy to shoot the clothes – each piece was so beautiful and full of character. I’m sure among the 2010 graduates we will see a designer that will catch the fashion world’s imagination!’

See you all at GFW!


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