Havana Cultura at the Tunnels

Last Friday I had the pleasure of being invited to Havana Cultura at the Tunnels, in Bristol. Hosted by Gilles Peterson, the music was a hip hop jazz infusion. As soon as we got inside the club we were handed our two free drinks tickets that were to be traded for a selection of traditional havana rum cocktails. The atmosphere was amazing; alcohol flowed freely and couples danced to the soul music straight from cuba.
Kumar and his band, INTERACTIVO took to the stage with tremendous energy. The music was like nothing I had ever heard before, I am a total convert! We danced and waved our little maracas until we collapsed back at the bar for another amazing cocktail or two. After INTERACTIVO, Gilles Peterson took to the DJ booth to blast out some more of the music that he has been following so closely in cuba.
I will be following Havana Cultura closely, it really is something incredibly special and unique.
Find out more about everything Havana Cultura represents on their website.

5 thoughts on “Havana Cultura at the Tunnels

  1. Fabulousness! wow. Looks fun fun fun.. :)I didn’t get into lcf or csm, but i got into middlesex uni doing fdsp, as apparently i am the perfect student..hahaa it sounds really fun and exciting but i would of preffered just straight fashion, so after thinking i emailed them and they said i can ask to change to that course if i feel it would be better for me once i am there.I also did get into AIU London doing fashion but as that one is private, they are so friendly.But there is noway without winning the lottery i would be able to go, i could still get Student finance but it would barely cover a yr there! if even that! On the plus side, middlesex uni seems like a helpful place, and it seems fun. Also i made a dress for my friend Hermes, who lives in London and performs in a band called Ladynoise , with ryan styles! and he wore the dress at stay beautifuls nine yr reunion party in London, and OMG! Adam ant turned up for a secret gig there too!I got invited to steve strange’s birthday party, but unfortunately it’s on now and i cant get to London.

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