The great adventure to Stack Rock Fort Island

Stack Rock Fort Island off the coast of South West Wales, Milford Haven was our destination last Monday.
We journeyed for 3 hours with 2 cars, 4 models, one photographer one stylist, a dad and two designers to reach the location for Amy Tibbs’ final collection photoshoot.
This was the most incredible place I had ever visited in my whole life.
When we first got onto our vessel at Milford Haven port, the boatman asked us if we knew what we were letting ourselves in for. When questioning this, they said that to get onto this island wasn’t going to be easy, the only way to get into the fort were by stone steps leading down into the water, in which parts had crumbled away to nothing, and then when reaching the top, there was a long climb up an old rusted ladder. All this whilst holding on treacherously to the entire collection, equipment and our own lives!
There was no way we were turning back and went on ahead as planned. When we reached Stackfort Island after our short 15 minute journey, there were more problems with choppy waters making it near impossible for the boat to sidle up along the steps. The boatman asked us again if we were sure about this, with one model in tears and everyone quite fearful of their lives, we still said yes.
With the threat of having to maybe turn back, Amy and Alexxsia bravely jumped off the boat and onto the steps, while all the rest of us stared in disbelief. We all followed suit and eventually found our way onto the steps.
This was completely insane, the wind was blowing, the steps were slippery and the rope we had to cling on was covered in sea weed and general sea gunk.
I came up last making sure no models had fallen in and no equipment was perilously teetering on the edge. I am pretty terrified of heights so the ladder was definitely the worst for me. It was made completely out of rust and felt like it was going to powder away at any moment! The boat left to watch us at sea, waiting for our return. Whilst we were ready to enter the fort…

Inside the fort was the most breathtaking sight I had ever seen. It was a huge complex made up of three floors with spiral staircases leading to each one. The bottom floor was a prison, the middle were these huge canon rooms, complete with canons and the top floor was the sleeping quarters; each room with its own fireplace and wooden flooring. On top of all of that was a roof where you could see a complete 360 view and look down on the complex. You were the same height as the seaguls flying around you, it was really bizarre.
The fort on Stackfort Island is an old WW1 bunker. We even found old boots on the bottom floor – eerie!
We had just over 2 hours on the island, the models were amazing and the pictures have come out even more incredible.
When the photos have been properly edited I will definitely post them up, that goes for mine too.
Until then, I hope you love all these pictures. Unfortunately both digital SLRs we had were donated to the fashion cause so I had to take all these on my blackberry, they definitely still capture the magic though.

7 thoughts on “The great adventure to Stack Rock Fort Island

  1. this shoot looks amaaaazing. and wonder who owned the boot.cant wait to see the finished product.and now i want to live by the sea.xx fi

  2. wow!charlie this looks amazing!! i can’t wait to see the photos from the shoot, lee told me all about it!hope everything goes well for your collection and hand in : ) love siobhan

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