Couture Catwalk

Jean-Paul Gaultier
This collection blew my mind! I can’t remember the last time I felt this way about a recent Gaultier collection. The pictures speak for themselves really.
Incredible! Amazing! Arghh!

Elle Saab

The shoes in this collection are perfection, great contrast with the soft fabrics. The dresses in this collection look so snug and wintery, the textures are divine.

Alexis Mabille
This collection is so beautiful and whimsical, I would wear every single piece!

This still is so funny! GREAT outfit kind of grumpy photo haha
I really like the textures in this collection, I think the short and long skirts are really weirdly good too.
Such a cute couple! Oh god why do I see myself in every couture wedding dress? I’m only 21! Maybe I should make a pact to myself that I won’t get wed until I am rich enough to look this good, or… can make something like this myself!

Dominique Sirop
The rest of this collection was a bit blah, but I liked this outfit.

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