Wearing: Charlie May dress, A.F. Vandevorst top, Acne shorts, Celine shoes, Naked Label captured necklace, Dominic Jones rings

It’s hard to have favourite piece after you make an entire collection, but this ‘ceremonial dress’ from my AW12 is a strong contender. It can be worn as a dress (with sash) – looks killer with a shirt underneath, or open as a summery jacket. It’s not often I get time to make actual pieces for myself but I’m planning on changing this. I think this is going to be a wardrobe staple for me from now on. 

This dress won’t be selling on Bengt in September, so if you would like to buy one, I’m happy to offer it at wholesale price. Just drop me an email at info(at)charlie-may.co.uk for more details.

Thanks to Jen for the photos!