New years eve is nearly upon us, and I’ve been thinking about what a pretty incredible year 2011 has been. I’ve traveled around Europe; to Portugal, Paris and Belgium; met so many incredibly talented people, started my own fashion label; and this is just the beginning. Looking back through a year in posts, I’ve picked out a few of my favourite pictures. Thank you to all of you who shared these blog moments with me. I’ve got a feeling 2012 is going to be pretty awesome too.

11 thoughts on “A YEAR IN PICTURES

  1. Ah, Charlie… I want to pinch your cheeks and give you a massive hug. 2011 has been an awesome year. I’m so thankful to have gotten to know you and can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2012. I love the selection of photos you’ve picked out. So many beautiful outfits. Love you style and love you even more. Happy New Year! xx

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