Whilst staying in Brussels for the Modo Parcours, I was lucky enough to stay in the Hotel Bloom; from only 69 euros a night the rooms were beautiful, each room had a unique hand painted design of it’s own by a young european artist and overlooked the city centre. The trip was pretty full on, so I was happy to be able to kick back and relax with a bath and a new copy of Encens magazine on the final night. The breakfasts were out of this wold too, you got to poach your own eggs to avoid any of those rubbery disasters you spy at most breakfast buffets, also a range of fruits and yoghurts as well as pastries and cereals; seriously the perfect start to every day.

Thanks Hotel Bloom for having me and to Elke from Modo Brussels for organising the trip! 

4 thoughts on “HOTEL BLOOM

  1. What a beaut! (said in Australian accent) Breakfast looks out of control! wish I had gone with you , but at least I got to shmooze with Nylon. All’s well that ends well I always say (have never said that, but will start now)

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