Wearing: Ann Demeulemeester Jacket, vintage top, Haider Ackermann trousers, Ann Demeulemeester platform sandals
Taking a walk around the abandoned Mildmay HIV Hospital. Our flat looks out over this building and we’ve always wanted to go inside and explore; our luck came last week when we were offered the guided tour. My only regret is that I only had my 50mm lens, would have been great to get some more panoramic shots. The ultimate was the morgue in the basement and all the toys scattered around the decaying play room.
I absolutely love anything creepy and abandoned, so sad to hear they are knocking it down over the next few weeks.

28 thoughts on “ABANDONED HOSPITAL

  1. Oh I love these. There is a Japanese photo blog I frequent which focuses on abandoned buildings, incredibly creepy and sad, just like these. Fascinating too, I’ll have to find the link later for you too! What an awesome place to explore! Must have been a bit of a thrill and I can imagine it would be hard not to let your imagination go wild…

  2. this place is so creepy and at the same time so beautiful. i watched “never let me go” recently, and the whole movie was in this kinda atmosphere. lovely photography (especially the ones with you. you look like a – very stylish – ghost. fantastic.)where do you find spots like that?

  3. Wow great photos! So interesting and creepy at the same time. I work in a hospital so it’s particularly weird for me to see an abandoned one when I’m used to a very clean and busy one! The photo of the whiteboard noting that a patient had escaped was quite amusing! xxwww.lovefromloulou.blogspot.com

  4. Whoa, these pictures are super creepy, but in a good way. I love, love that white jacket. Also, It was nice bumping into you guys yesterday!

  5. This is 100% creepy but seriously cool and spooky. So glad you go to have a look around before it gets demolished. You look like some sort of white ominous creature floating around in there… really beautiful photos Charlie. xx

  6. This is indeed creepy, I feel as though it would be haunted. I love the details you posted, really makes me feel as if I am there. Interestingly, I think with the aesthetic with your outfit that day, you fit right in (in the best way possible considering this is an abandoned HIV hospital…)

  7. What an amazing place, it is soo creepy that everything is still i the exact same place as they left it in. The children’s toys make me kind of sad.

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