Wearing: Draped jacket and chiffon and knit jacket by Religion, vintage top, Complex Geometries skirt, Ann Demeulemeester boots, Mimco bag.
A couple of my favourite new pieces from Religion, building up layers and folds to create the perfect textured outfit.
Thank you to Helen from IPR for the shopping spree and thank you to Jen for the photos!

11 thoughts on “INTO THE FOLD

  1. Love this outfit and the photos came out great! I’ve been wearing a lot of color lately, but you’ve inspired me to revisit my pile of black clothes!

  2. You have quite an interesting style. I like the way you combine things and it suits you all. I wish to follow but dont see the google friend connect.

  3. I Love this outfit, i would wear chunkier heels with it but thats because i’d wobble about in those heels! they look great though. love the drape coat,its reminded me to get mine out! xxxx

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