I’ve finally sifted and sorted through all the photos from my trip to Portugal in the new year. So long ago! Unfortunately Britain was covered in snow and our flights were cancelled to come back, so when we eventually managed to get back everything was too crazy for me to look through. Here is the start of a long line of posts of our Portuguese adventures!

The next day we went to the most beautiful old village, Sintra.

Our crazy Portuguese tour guide and friend, Guillherme

Portugal has the most amazing pastries in the world!

View of Moorish Castle from the town, clouded in fog

Up on the hill the castle was so stunning. Usually you could see for miles but the fog was so thick we couldn’t even tell how high up we were, it was so eery! Moorish Castle was built 8th Century A.D!

This fish restaurant was awesome! It was built into the side of the cliff face and you could look out directly over the water, huge waves coming towards us. One side of the room was literally the rock of the cliff! The perfect end to the perfect day.

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